A Homeopathic Physician who has been in practice for 20 years, trained in Ozone therapy and Chelation Therapy with rich clinical experience. With over 10 years of clinical practice in Ozone therapy and Chelation Therapy, she has treated patients both local and abroad with good results in many conditions ranging from allergies, arthritis, and anti-aging to more serious illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, autoimmune conditions, and cancer.
She is also trained in Acupuncture from the International College of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine, New Delhi. She has been practicing Acupuncture for over 10 years and has helped many patients from Common Illnesses to severe Arthritis, Back Pain, Migraine, Sciatica, Paralysis, Digestive Disorders, Diabetes, Sinusitis and Infertility and other ailments from the root cause. She also does homeo puncture (dipping needles in homeo tinctures before putting to the patient) as she strongly believes in fusion medicine. She believes Acupuncture is prevention as well as cure, A natural way to boost the body’s natural healing to avoid unnecessary operations and taking of drugs which may lead to harmful side effects.